State indebtedness rates are given in the table. According to the table, the top five most indebted states are Japan, Greece, Lebanon, Italy and Singapore. Japan, the most indebted country, owes its annual output approximately 2.37 times its GDP. Then Greece follows with 1.77 times, Lebanon...
Friday, July 30, 2021
Gold and Silver
We entered the first phase of the period that the world will call the “worst financial crisis” last March 2020. The main cause of this crisis is the system itself. We are approaching the end of the global unlimited money experiment we have experienced since 1971, when the dollar as a reserve...
Cashless Society
In the information economy, the digitalization of money as in production systems leads to a gradual decrease in the use of cash in economic transactions. In fact, it is costly in cash production, transportation and storage. In the Figure, the increase rates in non-cash transactions in major countries...
Virtual Industry
With the developing technologies, production forms are also changing. In the current period, this change has gained momentum. The Internet plays a big role in this. With the development of the internet, it started to be used by wider masses, and it started to bring people closer to each other....
on July 30, 2021
in blockchain, different ideologies, economics, economy, many economic
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Technology is always created to serve the mind of its manufacturer. At this point, it is necessary to be careful and use it to our real benefit. While doing this, it should not be overlooked that technology can serve different ideologies and plans in the hands of different minds. For example,...
Are Your Crypto Coins Safe Enough?
Human beings always dream of effortless earnings. When he sees an opportunity to achieve this, he dives into unfamiliar waters without thinking about it. It recently happened in Turkey as it is evidence of crypto currency market. Thodex’s boss disappeared with investors’ money. This market does...
Global Corporate Tax
Covid-19 fell into our lives like a bomb. It is like a sound bomb that has a profound effect on the economies of the country, our social lives, education and psychology. As a result of the first and second wave effects of the economies, government debt grew even more. In many countries, especially...
Centralized Money Economy
All kinds of centralization slowed down the fast pace of things while reducing productivity over time and made bureaucracy chronic. To give an example of the centralization of the money economy, as stated in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 2011 report, approximately eighty percent...
Towards a Financial Crisis
Analysis of economic cycles in the historical process allows us to make predictions about what is coming. We can use various indicators for this analysis. One of these is the cycles of large-volume stock markets in the last 20-30 years. For example DowJones or S & P500 are two of them. If...
Digitalized Knowledge Economy
It is possible to see the advanced production systems of that period at every stage of the economic history. To understand the functioning of the economy, it is necessary to examine the most advanced manufacturing practices. Because it is the production systems that fully reveal the forces of...
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Bad Money Drives Out Good Money
Gold and silver have been real, solid money for nearly 5000 years. Since the mid-1970s, the dollar, which is the reserve currency in circulation, has been torn from gold. The fiat currencies we use today are unlimitedly printed. The fact that the main mechanism of the economic system based...
Money Turbulence, Covid-19’s Shocking Financial Impacts and Ways of Exit
In this article, we will seek an answer to the question of how we can be more resilient individually in the current economic and financial process. Is it possible to get out of the currency turbulence that started with the sudden halt of economies all over the world and trade between countries...
Decentralized Finance DEFi
Decentralized Finance DEFi, The system we are in, which we can also call the money economy, consists of centralized structures to a large extent. We see these central structures as large financial intermediary institutions both in factories with large production capacity in real production...
Is The Money Economy Ending ?
Is The Money Economy Ending ? The world economy is in a great economic and financial transformation. This transformation is from money economy to knowledge economy. Besides, this transformation has been accelerated by the great financial and economic crisis we are about to enter. Examining...
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Repo Reverse Repo FED
The Federal Reserve, the Fed, started overnight reverse repo transactions in 2013. The aim of reverse repo transactions is to control the short-term interest rates. Reverse repo (RRP), reverse repurchase agreements, is a transaction that central banks implement when they want to reduce excess cash in...
Basel 4 Gold Silver Credits
As I mentioned in my previous articles, Basel 3 is a framework developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in order to prevent the collapse of the financial system after the 2008 financial crisis, or rather to enable it to float. It regulates the capital and liquidity requirements...
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Digital Currencies, Bitcoin and its effect on financial and economic market of USA
An empirical study, Johansen Co-integration test, stationarity, long term relationshipIn this article, we will look at the effects of Bitcoin on the American financial market . In fact, digital money can basically be examined in two categories. The first is produced by financial companies and the other is produced by non-financial companies.As I mentioned in my previous article, credit cards...